Agarwal Courier Cargo & Parcel Packers and Movers in JANGAMAKOTE

Agarwal Parcel Service

Agarwal Logistics and Movers (Referred as ALM Packers and Movers Jangamakote) are premium and assist regular parcel service from Jangamakote at a very economical freight charges. Agarwal Logistics and Movers Parcel Service company Jangamakote has in a very short span of time has achieved a remarkable feet and also earned the reputation among the courier and parcel competitors for being a safest and fastest parcel service company for moving personal household goods. We offer multiple ranges of courier and parcel service mentioned below

  1. Parcel Packaging Service:

Our team will always check the parcel and the quality of packaging offered before booking the shipment. As per the Agarwal shipping policy shipment which is not sufficiently packed for transportation or the goods which packing is not matching the companies standard and bound to get damaged during shifting will not be picked up. But worry No more. Agarwal Parcel Packaging service is for your support. We have professionally trained and skilled staff that would come to your residence with a sufficient quality packaging material supply and pack your fragile item securely before booking the courier or parcel for further moving.

  • Parcel Labeling Service:

It is always well advised to label the cargo or boxes before the arrival of the courier parcel company staff. If you have missed that part please do not fret our team will always have a supervisor who would ensure all your parcel shipment are individually labeled and secured before booking your parcel shipment for further moving.

  • Parcel Courier Documentation:

Our parcel pickup staff will provide you with full detailed packaging list, Docket Copy and Payment Invoice for your payment refund from the company. We would be mentioning parcel pick up address, Parcel Delivery or drop address, Parcel Pickup date and Number of Packages picked up from your location.

  • Parcel and Courier Company Partners Detail:

Once your courier or parcel is collected for transportation we would further connect or reroute to our logistics partner

Domestic courier and parcel Partners: Bluedart , Gati , Delivery ,Aramex and more to make your end to end service possible. These companies are our long standing partner and trusted nationwide service serving more than 10000+ pin code and station to make it last mile parcel delivery possible.

International  courier and parcel Partners: DHL, FEDEX, UPS are also among our partners for International courier and parcel companies who have been frequently assist us in long distance parcel services.

  • Parcel and courier Tracking service:

Once your shipment is directed for further delivery to your delivery destination, we would SMS or email customers for online parcel and courier tracking facility so you can check time to time get the latest update on the arrival of your shipment.

Add On and allied Services for Jangamakote Parcel Services for Secured Moving:

Agarwal Logistics and Movers supports in all related and allied services mentioned below

  1. Packers and Movers Service:

Amid Covid 19 when business was low we have entered into supporting domestic, residential and office packers and movers services. We have quickly hired and trained our packing and moving team to pack and move your household goods also.

  • Mini Truck Porter Transport Service:

If you are looking for Tata Ace, Boloero or Pickup vehicle for transport service, we also rent our Mini truck Porter service for safe transportation of your goods. Long distance Mini truck Porter services from Jangamakote for express delivery is subject to availability. Please call -8880014001 to check on the truck Availability.

  • Commercial Goods Truck Transportation:

We have also started our transport and commercial goods transport service from Jangamakote and can arrange any vehicle for your finished goods transportation at economical freight charges.

  • Loading and Unloading Service:

Our efficient and trained moving team would also assist customers in loading and unloading service. Once your residential goods are packed our team would safely load the items in to the truck at pickup location and securely unload and place the items at your delivery destination.

Parcel Booking Service from Jangamakote:

So, now that you are looking for parcel booking company from Jangamakote and found us. We would love to be a part of your Parcel shipping partner. Our Company is providing all kinds of parcel and courier services across Jangamakote and Nationwide service. We would be happy to offer our complete parcel transport services for

  1. Bike Parcel Service:

We are among the best and reliable two wheeler parcel company, our expert team would pack and transport your bike securely from your home address and deliver the same to your desired destination without any damages.

  • Boxes Parcel Service:

If you are looking to pack and ship your carton box or cardboard boxes and needed to be transported we can assist you with the same. Our team would bring high quality standard boxes sturdy to carry upto 20 Kg in weight. We would pack all your personal belonging safely and place them carton box and label them before booking your box for Shifting.

  • Luggage Parcel Service:

Students or working professional have few household items and move only trolley bag, suitcase, luggage bag or any similar items, though customers usually fill their own luggage bags but we would externally secure them with our packing for safe transportation.

Low Cost Parcel Service from Jangamakote Agarwal Quotes your Courier Company for shipping items

Agarwal Logistics Packers and Movers are among the few good and best Packing and moving company to move few items across India at a Very affordable shipping courier charges. We are among the few leading parcel service from  Jangamakote company that help you ship your excess luggage bags and boxes for individual and corporate clients at a very reasonable cost.

Courier Service Jangamakote means a lot when hiring Nearme professional courier company

Yes, when you are looking to save cost on moving your home items like Laptops, Desktops, Kitchen Items, Baggage, Luggage Bags or Boxes for Courier services you always look for nearest service provider so that you can save on cost. We will bring you the cheapest courier services for door pick up and drop service at a very nominal charge for collection.

Parcel Service agency you can trust

Agarwal Logistics and Movers are among the leading courier parcel agency from Jangamakote that specializes in make domestic residential moving affordable. Our Local Courier Parcel service is among the most favored one and highly recommended local parcel Service Company from Jangamakote making the delivery across Jangamakote.

Parcel service cost or charges Per Kg is not what we offer. It is time we change the myth we offer cost per shipment basis and includes Parcel packing cost, loading and unloading charges and door to door pickup and delivery cost. We strictly adhere to no compromise service formula and charge on volumetric weight when it comes to shipping your parcel.

Jangamakote Parcel Service Contact Number is 8880014001 all you are requested to just call the number and check on your parcel moving cost or courier estimate before booking the parcel with any other company. It just 2 easy steps to book your parcel

  1. Call us to check the parcel moving estimate at 8880014001
  2. Share Your Parcel Pick up address.

Jangamakote Parcel Service Online Booking Service is just available for the customers to easily reach us for transporting their items across India at fastest possible time.

Parcel Office Timing

Parcel service Open on Monday- 8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service open on Tuesday-8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service Open on Wednesday- 8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service Open on Thursday- 8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service Open on Friday- 8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service Open on Saturday- 8.00am to 8.00pm

Parcel service Open on Sunday- 8.00am to 4.00pm

Parcel Packers and Movers from Jangamakote at Reasonable cost Click Here

Agarwal Logistics Packers and Movers  offers Jangamakote are among the leaders in courier parcel company offer home and office items be it few boxes consisting your files, documents or even electronic items like photocopier, scanner for office goods we even support single item transportation from Jangamakote city like double cot, Sofa Set, Dining Table, Fridge, Washing machine or just about anything. Just feel free to call 8880014001 for Packers and Movers from Jangamakote.

Agarwal Logistics and Movers

Expert Domestic Parcel Service Company

Office Address-No.86/1, Ananth Nagar Main Road, Kammansandra, Electronic City,
560100 Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Contact Number- 8880014001

Email at-


We provide all kind of Packing and Shipping Parcel Services for House Hold Items across India. We have also listed parcel pickup partners collection centre. Our Major Services are listed below

  1. Office Parcel
  2. CPU & Desktop Parcel
  3. Local Shifting
  4. Large Parcel Pick Up
  5. Two Wheeler Courier Service
  6. Parcel Courier Packaging Service
  7. Pick Up and Drop Service
  8. Parcel Packers and Movers
  9. Luggage Booking Service
  10. Online Parcel Booking
  11. Carton Box Parcel Service
  12. Bike Parcel Courier Service
  13. Cargo Packers and Movers
  14. Logistics Packers Service

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